I’ve lived in times of Piracy – late 90ties and early 00’s in Poland was really full of piracy in computers, music, movies…
you can buy CDs, cassettes etc everywhere.
But we have moved far from there. Then there was Kazaa, eMule, Torrents and most of them died after Steam and Netflix became a thing.
We had now access to games, movies, music on spotify etc… for small ammount of money.
But then… we have moved even further.
And Its NOT a post about disney+, hboMax, and 12 other VODs that are making torrents new – old – thing that is popular.
We are talking about licenses.
Microsoft is creating “OpenSource” shit for some time. .Net is “OpenSource” but it is not – it is open as far as you dont want to fork it.
Google Chrome, Google Android, Microsoft VS Code, etc are taking this whole marketing that they are open source.
But then we are fucked in the ass because they are not.
If you use Android Open Source Project on your mobile then… Google will not allow you to use Google Pay – because it doesnt have all tracking bits of Google Ecosystem.
If you try to use Open Source VS Codium project – then you cannot use ANY of MS addons from marketplace. Because license is allowing to use them only on MS modified version aka VS Code.
And its everywhere where you see “OpenSource” by bigCorpShitCompany.
And yes – I am using Codium with these MS shit extensions that are needed by some other extensions as dependencies.
Do I care? Ofcourse NOT!
Should I care? Damn No!
Does MS want me to care? YES… so what?
To be honest, when I see a shit like that. I want to vomit on their HQ.
FOSSWashing + FOSSFucking in the same time is a very shit tactics, and when I see all bad things that MS is doing to its “open source” .NET, VSCode, etc…
Ok. I will stop here because I am now starting to boil inside.
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